Friday, February 15, 2008

LASIK Eye Surgery 23 Questions To Consider

Do you want to know if you qualify for Lasik Eye Surgery? With the growing popularity of this surgical technique, it's become all the more important to separate the hype from the real facts.

Commiting to have Laser or LASIK Eye Surgery is a big decision, and before deciding you should ask yourself some simple questions. This way you will be confident you are taking the right form of vision correction.

  • Do you have or have you ever had any problems with your eyes other than needing eyeglasses or contact lenses?
  • Have you check your vision with an eye test?
  • Do you have dry eyes?
  • Do you have thin corneas?
  • Do you wear glasses or contacts all the time, or only some of the time?
  • Do you need an unusually strong prescription?
  • Do you take steroids or other drugs that might prevent healing?
  • Has your prescription changed in the last year?
  • Does your job prohibit refractive surgery?
  • Can you really afford this method of eyesight improvement?
  • Do you have a chronic illness that might slow down or alter your healing?
  • Do you have an autoimmune disease or other major illness?

You might be prepared to make the decision, maybe your vision has been deteriorating over the last years, and you really need an eyesight improvement. But maybe you are not the ideal candidate for refractive surgery. That is why you should still answer more questions prior to having Laser Eye Surgery.

  • Do you have myopia, astigmatism, or presbyopia?
  • Are you willing to have more than one surgery if needed?
  • Do you think this is the last correction you will ever need?
  • Do you realize that long-term results are not known?
  • Do you know that night driving might be difficult?
  • Do you know your vision could be significantly reduced in dim light conditions?
  • Do you know some patients may lose some vision or experience blindness after Lasik Eye Surgery?
  • Do you know that if you have dry eyes they could become worse, or you could develop chronic dry eyes as a result of the surgery if you don`t have dry eyes before?
  • Do you know about glare, halos, starbursts, etc?
  • Do you know the additional risks of having both eyes treated at the same time?
  • Have you read the patient information booklet about Laser Eye Surgery?

Try to understand the above questions regarding Lasik Eye Surgery, to see if you meet the criteria. There are many risks involved, so if you are still thinking you need this procedure, consider finding an experienced doctor that has performed a number of laser eye surgeries.

Keno Toriello is a successful Expert Publisher in the Eye Care and Vision industries, and Webmaster of "Better Eyes Better Vision Program" at specialized in Natural Vision Correction, Lasik Eye Surgery, Contact Lenses and Prescription Sunglasses. Try a Free Eye Test and see your results!!! Keno Toriello has spent countless hours studying and conducting research, and now he shares his insightful and powerful secrets to you. Copyright 2008. Visit

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